Environmental pillar


Fourth edition of the SDGs for ALL Newsletter

We continue to report periodically on key activities and results in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Serbia from the perspective of non-state actors gathered in and around the SDGs for All Platform. The latest overview of activities and...

Environmental pillar

Priboj Municipality adopts Local Development Plan

At the last session of the Municipal Assembly of Priboj Municipality in 2021, held on December 28, the Development Plan of the Municipality of Priboj for the period from 2022 to 2028 was adopted. The Platform contributed to the Development...

Environmental pillar

How to ensure implementation of the Glasgow Climate Pact in Serbia?

Upon the invitation of the National Assembly, the representatives of the "SDGs for All Platform" took part in a public hearing on the topic of “Implementation of the United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP26 Agreement in Serbia”. The event...

Environmental pillar

Can biomass propel the energy transition in rural areas?

A thematic group Energy Transition as an Opportunity for Sustainable Rural Development established within the environmental pillar of the "SDGs for ALL" Platform, organized a meeting on December 6, at the Aeroclub in Belgrade. The topic of the meeting was...


Contributions of the citizens of Bor to the Local development plan in the field of environmental protection

The Belgrade Open School, together with a local partner organization, the Association of Young Researchers Bor, organized a second round table in Bor, on November 23, on the topic of local development planning. The event brought together representatives of civil...


A survey “Young people and Sustainable Development Goals” published

Timok Youth Center, as part of the economic pillar of the “SDGs for ALL” Platform, conducted a research on the awareness of sustainable development goals among the young people in the Republic of Serbia. The research was done through quantitative...