The Belgrade Open School, together with a local partner organization, the Association of Young Researchers Bor, organized a second round table in Bor, on November 23, on the topic of local development planning. The event brought together representatives of civil society and the city administration, in order to identify key environmental challenges and priorities to be included in the future Local Development Plan.
At the event, the draft Contribution to the development plan of the city of Bor, produced by the Environmental Pillar of the ”SDGs for ALL” Platform was presented. The document defines prioritized targets and proposed measures for the Sustainable Development Goals 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, on the basis of the suggestions and comments collected at the first round table back in October.
The participants discussed and commented on the recommendations contained in the document and suggest possible modifications. During the discussion on the Sustainable Development Goal 6, the participants pointed that, due to insufficiency of the water for industrial use, drinking water is increasingly used for commercial and industrial water users, which creates a danger of a shortage of drinking water in the future. One of the proposed solutions to this challenge was to establish a primacy of the potable over industrial water. A similar discussion followed the findings for other environmental goals.
The comments and suggestions collected at the round table will be used for the revision and amendment of the Contribution document, which will then be sent to the representatives of the local self-government for consideration and ultimate incorporation into the future Local development plan.