
Round Table in Zaječar: The contribution of gender equality to sustainable development

Social Pillar organized  a round table in Zaječar on the subject of contribution of gender equality to sustainable development, on June 2. At the round table, Sarita Bradaš, a researcher from the Center for Democracy Foundation, presented the results of...


VIDEO: Serbia’s progress in achieving the SDGs

The member states of the United Nations, including Serbia, adopted the 2030 Agenda in September 2015 and committed to the strategic framework which encompasses all three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. With the promise to “Leave no...


Second statistical progress report on the implementation of SDGs

Monitoring progress in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an important aspect of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development implementation. The Republic Statistical Office remains consistent in monitoring and providing reliable data necessary for monitoring the progress of...


Closing Conference of the “SDGs for ALL” Platform

The results of the current phase of the “SDGs for ALL” Platform were presented at the final conference entitled "2030 Agenda – Synergies towards sustainable future" held on June 8, 2022 in Belgrade. The conference gathered close to 200 participants...


Social Innovation Forum 2022

Under the slogan “Impact Forward”, the Social Innovations Forum will be organized on June 15 gathering impact-makers, social entrepreneurs, start-ups, organizations, companies and representatives from international organizations and governments with the aim to translate their ideas and energy into bigger...


Small and medium enterprises as the initiator of the new Serbian economy

The Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CEVES) held a conference and exhibition entitled "SME of Serbia 2030: MSP100 Expo" on June 1, 2022 in MIND Park in Kragujevac. Even though SMEs in Serbia, as well as in other countries, are...