Social pillar


Women Entrepreneurship – framework and opportunities for empowerment

Women Entrepreneurship – framework and opportunities for empowerment Organized through the German-Serbian Initiative for Sustainable Growth and Employment and UN Women with the support of the EU project “Support to priority actions for Gender Equality” Date: 5 June 2023 Location:...


Meeting of the Thematic Expert Group “Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering All Women And Girls”

On June 1st, at the initiative and organization of the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, a meeting of the thematic expert group "Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering All Women and Girls" was held within the framework of the "SDGs for All"...


Meeting of the Thematic Expert Group “Eradication of Poverty”

The Center for Democracy Foundation (CDF), within the Social Pillar of the “SDGs for All” Platform, organized a meeting of the Thematic Expert Group “Eradication of Poverty” on March 28th, 2023. The purpose of the meeting was to analyze and...


Debate held on the following topic: Elderly poverty in Serbia and Agenda 2030

The Center for Democracy Foundation organised a debate on Elderly poverty in Serbia and Agenda 2030 on July 13. The starting point for the debate was the Elderly poverty in Serbia and Agenda 2030 analysis, drafted by Lidija Kuzmanov, with...

Social pillar

Training “Sustainable Development Goals at the local level” in Zajecar, Pirot and Apatin

The Center for Democracy Foundation, as part of the social pillar of the “SDGs for ALL” Platform, organized training sessions in Zajecar, Pirot and Apatin on the topic "Sustainable Development Goals at the local level". Representatives of local self-government, local...


Round Table in Zaječar: The contribution of gender equality to sustainable development

Social Pillar organized  a round table in Zaječar on the subject of contribution of gender equality to sustainable development, on June 2. At the round table, Sarita Bradaš, a researcher from the Center for Democracy Foundation, presented the results of...