

CSR & ESG Forum held in Belgrade

The CSR & ESG Forum brought together members of various sectors who presented current solutions and trends in the field of socially responsible business with a special focus on ESG criteria and sustainable development goals (SDG). The official opening of...


The German ambassador met with representatives of civil society in Pirot

After the meeting with the mayor of the city of Pirot and the opening of the IT training center on 24 November 2022, German ambassador to Serbia Anke Konrad, the Head of Development Cooperation at the German Embassy Christian Schilling...


Completion of SDGs initiatives in five local communities in Serbia

The completion of initiatives implemented by civil society organizations within the Fund for Local Sustainable Development was celebrated on September 6 in Belgrade, in the presence of representatives of local self-governments, national institutions, civil society organizations and experts in the...


Contribution of the non-state sector to the Voluntary National Report of the Republic of Serbia on the Implementation of the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 published

Civil society organizations gathered around the "SDGs for All" Platform prepared the "Contribution of the non-state sector to the Voluntary National Report of the Republic of Serbia on the Implementation of the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030". The document contains...

Environmental pillar

What can we expect from a possible increase in the price of electricity for households?

Within the thematic group Energy poverty and energy efficiency, a round table was held on July 25 that brought together eminent experts from these fields. The price of electricity for households as the main lever of energy security or a...



We are continuing to report periodically on key activities and results in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Serbia from the perspective of non-state actors gathered in and around the “SDGs for All” Platform. The latest overview of activities...