In 2018, the Republic Secretariat for Public Policies, with the support of the German Development Cooperation GIZ, prepared the Agenda 2030 and Serbia Report, as a direct response to the need to map Serbia’s strategic framework and contribute to dialogue and decision-making on the prioritized Agenda 2030 in Serbia. The mapping of the Republic of Serbia’s strategic framework vis-a-vis the Sustainable Development Goals encompassed all the strategic documents of the Republic of Serbia in effect at the time of writing of the Report. Where an area was not regulated by a strategy, the relevant plans and other public policy documents were also taken into account.
The database of the Republic Secretariat for Public Policies served as the basis for identifying the strategic framework. In addition, where possible, the strategy implementation status was indicated. Finally, the strategic documents the adoption of which was planned under the National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis (revision 2, 2016) – NPAA – is also indicated. For each Sustainable Development Goal, the background in the relevant area in Serbia is briefly outlined, using the SDG monitoring indicators defined by the UN where available, and other indicators from the relevant domestic and international statistical sources and analyses. In addition, for each SDG, the relevant international processes, especially European ones, in which Serbia is involved and which are relevant to the achievement of that Goal, are outlined.
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