On behalf of the “SDGs for All” Platform, in June 2023, CEVES joined the prestigious Global Forum for National SDG Advisory Bodies. The Global Forum is a network that connects the knowledge and experience of multi-stakeholder advisory commissions, councils and similar bodies for sustainable development. These bodies contribute to the national institutional architectures for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By bridging knowledge and interests of various stakeholder groups, multi-stakeholder advisory bodies foster social acceptance and cohesion within society in times of transformation.
As a member of the Global Forum for National SDG Advisory Bodies, CEVES will actively participate, on behalf of the “SDGs for All” Platform, in international discussions and knowledge exchange on sustainable development, sharing contributions developed within the Platform, as well as acquired experiences and lessons learned. Membership provides an opportunity for Serbia to exchange experiences, best practices, and lessons learned with other countries, enhancing global collaboration and collective efforts towards achieving SDGs.
The “SDGs for All” Platform will leverage its membership in the Global Forum, as well as the knowledge gained within it, to continue advocating for policy coherence and effective implementation of the SDGs at the national level. By joining the Global Forum, the “SDGs for All” Platform reaffirms its commitment to sustainable development and fostering collaboration, thus strengthening its position as a key player in driving sustainable development efforts in Serbia. We expect that these partnerships will accelerate efforts in building a better future for all, leaving no one behind.