The economic pillar of the “SDGs for ALL” Platform organized a focus group on April 7th with representatives of various stakeholder groups from Sombor. The event brought together representatives of the city administration, local business sector, Chamber of commerce and public utility companies. The purpose of the focus group was to collect relevant information and establish positions and interests of the stakeholders, which will be taken into account while drafting a mid-term development plan of the city.

The participants discussed the quality of infrastructure, labor force supply, agriculture and tourism, key challenges to the future development, availability of financial instruments for enterprises, as well as the impact of an ongoing situation in Ukraine and covid crisis, on business operations. The need to improve infrastructure and provide greater investments for stimulating domestic economy turned out to be among the main priorities of the focus group members. This was the first among several events that the economic pillar plans to organize in order to produce recommendations for the Mid-term development plan of the city of Sombor.

Sustainable development for all

17 global goals

Guided by these goals, we work together to build a better future for all.

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